Portals, from CrowD Games, describes its theme as collecting magic keys and using them to open portals to other worlds. Whatever ideas this might conjure up, Maxim Istomin has is in fact designed a simple yet strategic abstract game of drafting and pattern creation with some interesting features generating good player interaction.

Firstly, there are two boards between every player: one on their left and one on their right. There are likewise two trays of stones to draft from, one between them and each of their neighbours. Secondly, placement of stones scores points in two ways: by creating patterns that match the colours of the board but also by adjacency to same-coloured stones. This means that placing early gives the best chance of lining up the perfect pattern but placing later gives more opportunity for adjacency bonuses. Being able to anticipate opponents' moves provides a significant tactical edge but if you want to just do your own thing and respond to opportunities as they arise, you've still got a fair chance.
The game dynamics change across the four rounds, from empty boards with no adjacency opportunities, through half-full with crucial timing-based openings, to the end when all the boards become crammed full, leaving just dregs of scoring potential. Scores are revealed at the end so you probably won't know who's won until then.
The basic rules offer simple yet exciting dynamics with good replayability, and the game includes two additional modules: 'Magic Spells' that offer additional in-game tactical options and 'Secret Signs' that give players extra scoring opportunities for ensuring that specific patterns get created. There is also a well developed solo mode. This feels like Azul (Plan B/Next Move) combined with Between Two Cities (Stonemaier) and Sagrada (Floodgate), and fans of these games will surely find much to enjoy about Portals.
(Review by Matt Young)