In Gold Nugget, from 2Tomatoes, the 2-5 players are woodland animals trying to locate the single eponymous gold nugget hidden in the Raven’s nest. With its various animal roles and powers and multiple phases, there's quite a lot going on, but we found Gold Nugget easier and more intuitive to play than we were expecting from the rules.

During the course of a brisk 20-minute game, players will be taking face-down 'stones' (chunky wooden discs) from the Raven's nest, and from each other, with the aim of finding and hanging onto the stone that has a gold nugget on its reverse. Other stones will just be stones but there will also be some that are traps that force you to take a black feather. The feathers function similar to arrows in the various incarnations of Bang! (DV Games) in that each has no immediate effect but the effect kicks in when you accumulate three. In this case, three feathers attracts the attention of the Raven and means all the stones you've collected are returned to the Raven's nest...
Carles' Carreras' game is one of bluff and deception, with plenty of 'take that' interaction as players use their cards, tokens and asymmetric powers to manipulate the stones in their own and each other's lairs and to lumber opponents with feathers. There's an element of 'Find the Lady' too in trying to keep track of the face-down stone that you think is the gold nugget; made especially more difficult because each of the player animals perodically 'sleeps' (you don one of the supplied eye masks) so you can miss another player's manipulation of the stones. And if the gold nugget ends the game in the Raven's nest then everyone loses!
Tho' it's not promoted as a party game, Gold Nugget certainly has a deduction party game vibe. It shines with four or five players. As a family game, we found that the seeming complexity of the rules initially put off some players but once games were underway everyone enjoyed themselves.