Galebari is the term used in Croatia for male lotharios who seduce female tourists on vocation. It may be an inappropriate choice for a Valentine's Day post and it's probably not a politically correct topic for a card game but it's well-trodden ground in Croatia because the edition we're featuring here on Board's Eye View is the 18th Anniversary edition from Croatian publisher Snovid of a card game by Verdan Mocibob that was first published in 2006.

This is actually a trick-taking game where the object is to be the first to pick up five girls (ie: win five tricks; tho' there are a couple of girl cards that count as two tricks). Each round a location card is revealed that will show symbols that will score extra or symbols that won't score at all. The 2-6 players all play a 'pick up line' card from their hand. Then a girl card is revealed, and that will also specify that girl's interests and disinterests. The players then play a second 'pick up line' card and their scores are compared.
It's a light simple enough game, with attractive unsalacious art from Aleksandra Vinkerlic. There's a push-your-luck element over the first card you play because you can find it effectively negated by the girl card that's subsequently revealed.
And for anyone who fancies trying out the naff pick up lines on their next trip to Dubrovnik, Split or Zagreb, each of the cards has them handily set out in English and Serbo-Croat :-)